Articles about Bug Bounty

Epic Bounties recognized as the best project of the Keiretsu Investors Forum.
Málaga, Spain, Febrary 2023. Epic Bounties recognition as the best project.
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From Pentesting to Pentesting as a Service (PaaS)
Málaga, Spain, Decemeber 2022. From Pentesting to Pentesting as a Service (PaaS)
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ICA Sistemas y Seguridad and Epic band together for making customers systems’ safer
Málaga, Spain, July 2022.
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Two bigs of security are joining forces
Málaga, Spain, June 2022. Two bigs of security are joining forces.
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New Bug Bounty program for Ironchip
Málaga, Spain, May 2022. Epic Bounties is the bug bounty platform chosen by Ironchip.
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Trends within bug bounty programs.
Trends within bug bounty programs continue to rise, so it is important to be updated to any changes or modifications around this program.
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Why implement a Bug Bounty programme?
To understand the reasons for implementing this type of cybersecurity program, we would like to go back to 1983, where a reward was first offered for anyone who found or reported a bug in the Versatile Real operating system from Hunter & Ready.
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Top 5 Cloud Security Risks
With the new normality brought about by COVID-19, the services provided by the cloud are on the rise, but we must not forget to be cautious and take into account the variety of security risks we face.
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CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) - Concepts and Metrics
The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is increasingly indispensable in the security of organizations, where they can prioritize vulnerabilities according to CVSS score risk (low, medium or high).
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Bug Bounty, what is it for companies?
The bug bounty programmes have given a lot to talk about in the different companies that we find today. Some do not give importance to vulnerabilities or errors that their own assets may contain, but what they do not know is that the later they are found and corrected, the worse the problem will be.
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Partnership agreement with A3SEC
Today we are celebrating because… A3SEC has joined Epic Bounties as a partner.
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What we need to know about CISOS
What we should know about CISOS (Chief Information Security Officer) is a question that is increasing with the evolution of technology and is closely related to security. This is due to the increase of vulnerabilities in companies, which forces them to work to improve the security of their assets and minimise risks.
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5 myths you should know about a bug bounty programme
Nowadays, companies need to find possible vulnerabilities that may exist on their server. This is the purpose of a bug bounty programme. To refresh your memory a little more, we show you our article (internal link - main keys in a bug bounty programme).
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Basics of WAPT (Web Application Penetration Testing)
At Epic Bounties we would like to show you the basic concepts to carry out a WAPT, as well as the different phases that you must execute in order to identify, gather and remediate the different vulnerabilities that your company may have.
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José Palanco, CEO at Epic Bounties
José Ramón Palanco, CEO of Epic Bounties, has a clear objective with the platform: to make Epic Bounties the world’s leading Spanish-speaking platform in the hotly contested market of cybersecurity bug bounty programmes.
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Cybersecurity risk management
Companies are facing continuous attacks on the security of their assets on a daily basis. During the first months of 2020, these attacks increased by 33%. Therefore, in this article we are going to talk about cybersecurity risk management.
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Main keys in a bug bounty program
Bug bounty programs are a pay-for-performance approach to proactive security testing designed to maximize the discovery of high-impact vulnerabilities in organizations.
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Vulnerability disclosure program. Why is it so important for CISOS?
What is a vulnerability disclosure program?
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Three common ways in which organizations are hacked
When it comes to security teams, one of the highest priorities is to reduce risk. An important part of risk reduction is the creation of a cybersecurity risk management strategy.
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Why trust hunters
One of the most common questions we encounter in conversations around bug bounty programs is “Why would I invite hunters to hack my assets?”, “Why should I trust hunters?”, or some variant thereof.
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Securing more with less
Before the pandemic situation, companies used to think that the security of their services and systems were safe and secure. Now, as telecommuting has become a possible way for workers to work in companies, each organization has less physical oversight of the devices and tools they use.
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Webinar July 2021
EpicBounties has reached a collaboration agreement with the DragonJAR community, this agreement will allow EpicBounties to offer customers of the platform the entire DragonJAR community that has about 400 thousand members from Spanish-speaking countries.
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5 ways in which CISOs benefit from hunter-driven security
According to most cyber security managers, cyber security should always be measurable and focused on results. The return on investment is not always a direct financial return, but it should be monitored for each action or tool used to track the evolution of assets or products.
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